プログラムには、「Atmel® Studio 7」と「Atmel-ICE」を使いました。接続方法はTPIと言う方式で接続して書き込みを行います、色々サイトがあるのでそこいら辺を参照して下さい。
#include <avr/io.h> #include <util/delay.h> #define F_CPU 8000000UL // internal clock @ 8MHz #define PWM_MODE_BIT 10 #define PPM_MIN 1008//1520-512=>1008 #define PPM_CENTER 1520//CE/CCW #define PPM_MAX 2032//1520+512=>2032 #define PPM_LEN 1 #define PWM_MAX 1024 #define PWM_CUT_OFF 975 //#define PPM_LEN ((PPM_MAX - PPM_MIN) / 2^PWM_MODE_BIT) //#define PWM_CUT_OFF PPM_MIN / ((PPM_MAX - PPM_MIN) / 2^PWM_MODE_BIT) //#define PWM_MAX PPM_MAX / ((PPM_MAX - PPM_MIN) / 2^PWM_MODE_BIT) void PWM_setup(void) { TCCR0A |= ((1 << COM0A1) | (0 << COM0A0) // COM0A1 - COM0A0 (Clear OC0A on Compare Match when up-counting. Set OC0A on Compare Match when down-counting.) //| (1<<COM0B1) | (0<<COM0B0) // COM0B1 - COM0B0 (Clear OC0B on Compare Match when up-counting. Set OC0B on Compare Match when down-counting.) | (1 << WGM01) | (1 << WGM00)); // WGM01 - WGM00 (set Phase Correct PWM Mode-10Bit_1023step) //TCCR0A = (1<<COM0A1) | (0<<COM0A0) | (0<<COM0B1) | (0<<COM0B0) | (0<<WGM01) | (1<<WGM00); TCCR0B |= (1 << CS01) | (1 << CS00); //clk/8 prescaler //TCCR0B = (0<<ICNC0) | (0<<ICES0) | (0<<WGM03) | (0<<WGM02) | (0<<CS02) | (1<<CS01) | (1<<CS00); OCR0A = 0x0000; //OCR0B = 0x0000; } void PWM_write(int val) { OCR0A = val; //This value sets the duty cycle 0 to 255 (8-bit timer) } int main(void) { // Function: Bit3=In Bit2=Out Bit1=In Bit0=Out DDRB |= (0<<DDB3) | (0<<DDB2) | (0<<DDB1) | (1<<DDB0);//PortB0 = output(PWM-OCR0A) //DDRB |= (0<<DDB3) | (0<<DDB2) | (1<<DDB1) | (1<<DDB0);//PortB0/B1 = output(PWM-OCR0A/OCR0B) PUEB |= (0<<PUEB) | (1<<PUEB) | (0<<PUEB) | (0<<PUEB);//PortB2 = input(Servo_In) // Main Clock source: Internal Clock(8Mhz) CCP=0xd8; CLKMSR=(0<<CLKMS1) | (0<<CLKMS0); // Clock Prescaler division factor: 1 CCP=0xd8; CLKPSR=(0<<CLKPS3) | (0<<CLKPS2) | (0<<CLKPS1) | (0<<CLKPS0); PWM_setup(); uint16_t Pulslen = 0; uint16_t TimeOut = 0; //const int PWM_CUT_OFF = PPM_MIN/PPM_LEN; //const uint8_t PPM_LEN = ((PPM_MAX - PPM_MIN) / pow(2,PWM_MODE_BIT))-.5; while(1) { while((PINB&_BV(PB2))) // while the servoPWM input is high { Pulslen++; // increment _delay_us(PPM_LEN); //resolution setting, may require further adjustment } if(Pulslen > PWM_CUT_OFF) //throttle must be low initially { while(1) { while((PINB&_BV(PB2))) // while the servoPWM input is high { Pulslen++; // increment _delay_us(PPM_LEN); //resolution setting, may require further adjustment } if (TimeOut > 20000) //this will shut off the motor if the RX signal is lost { Pulslen = PWM_CUT_OFF; } if (Pulslen > PWM_CUT_OFF-1) // ignore false triggers and only set the PWM when a pulse is received { Pulslen = (Pulslen - PWM_CUT_OFF); //if(Pulslen<0){Pulslen=0;} //just in case there is a negative if (Pulslen < 8) //lower threshold, produces a dead-band {Pulslen = 0;} if (Pulslen >= PWM_MAX-8) //Full power after crossing a threshold determined by trial and error {Pulslen = PWM_MAX-1;} PWM_write(Pulslen); TimeOut = 0; //resets the timeout counter } if (Pulslen == 0) //counts every time the loop completes and a pulse is not registered {TimeOut++;} Pulslen = 0; // resets the variable for the next pulse measurement and starts the timeout counter } } else {Pulslen = 0;} } }